“Stop saying ‘sorry’ training”
Don’t. Apologise. For. Who. You. Are.
You deserve to take space. A lot of space. The way you are. Start today by no longer downplaying and cushioning your words in meetings and in emails just to be “nice”. Your contributions need to be seen and heard. The way they are - because they are unique.
Do your sentences often start by “Sorry, I just wanted to…”?
Sorry, I said „sorry“ again: the word "sorry" can make us look small although we are strong women. It can make us feel bad although sometimes it’s the other person who should be sorry. But once we replace that tiny word by powerful alternatives, it's magic to see how much our confidence as women will increase!
Welcome to your “Stop saying sorry training”.
Studies say that women actually apologise much more often than men. Sometimes out of habit, often out of politeness, but also out of hidden feelings of guilt or insecurity. We even apologise when we are not really sorry: for example before we start speaking in meetings or when we ask for something in a shop.
If your sentences often start by “Sorry, but I…” or “I’m so sorry, could you…”? - be it in emails, on the phone or in meetings: Please don't blame yourself. I have created this short training for you to help you become aware of those moments - and to give you new expressions that will make you feel more confident.
Take the space you deserve in meetings and emails. Here’s your toolkit.
Stop Saying “Sorry” Training with Helene
Workshop video (30 minutes): 3 powerful “sorry” alternatives that you won't forget - and that will immediately beam up your confidence when you write and speak.
“Not Sorry” Worksheet to keep a record of the training and your confidence milestones
BONUS: A4 “Not sorry” Cheatsheet to stick to your screen for those moments when you type “sorry” again…
Your investment: 37€
As a former speechwriter for politicians I have seen how powerful language is. Each word makes an impact.
And after I realised myself that I said "sorry" more often than my male colleagues and changed it for myself, I couldn't stop seeing female colleagues around me who unconsciously downplayed their important contributions in meetings by saying "sorry" when they started speaking.
If this could be you, too, then: high five 🙌. Because - as many of my workshop participants already confirmed - it's a matter of training to stop saying sorry.
Feel for yourself how insanely powerful you feel when you no longer apologise for who you are and for what you want to say. Yeah!
“Since your workshop I’ve reduced my “sorry’s” by about 90%. THANK YOU!”
– Lara, participant in the “Stop Saying Sorry Training in June 2020
“I have always been one of those persons “apologizing” for everything, out of habit.I would say sorry when asking a question, when bothering someone, but even for just voicing my opinion, for speaking up for myself, or when I feel like I’m “taking up too much space”. Helene’s training helped me become aware of this “habit” – and also helped me to feel less apologetic about expressing myself or taking up space in the room (or conversation, or meeting)…I loved the training video – And the “Not Sorry” work-sheet is now printed out and hanging next to my computer screen –Thanks so much Helene !”
– ER from Brussels
Want to have a peek? 👇
Watch the beginning of the training here…
In the 30-minute “Stop Saying Sorry Training”…
…learn to notice when you say “sorry” although there is nothing to be sorry about;
…you will get powerful words to say instead of “sorry” - and you can use them immediately;
…leave with a boost to express yourself with confidence - with your own words, with your own personality and with your opinion!
…you will get a “Not Sorry Worksheet” to keep your results after the training.
BONUS: A “Not Sorry Cheatsheet” to stick next to your screen for just in case you type “sorry” again…