Male Allyship & Male Leadership

Climate & Company Inclusive Leadership Programme for Men

Start: 6 June 2024

The Climate & Company “Male Allyship & Male Leadership” Inclusive Leadership Programme for Men will support a small number of male colleagues at Climate & Company to become confident leaders in a changing leadership environment in which their gender-sensitive and inclusive leadership skills will be increasingly required.

Grow your clarity on your leadership identity and your career goals.

Find out your “why” and unfold your leadership in your workplace.

Become a true change-maker for your organisation by widening the focus on supporting others.

Key facts


Start: 6 June 2024 - Mini Kick off Session after Climate & Connect (17.30-18.00 CET)

End: 24 July 2024 (6 weeks)


  • Leadership Skills and Personal Development Training in a group setting (online)

  • A dedicated Teams Channel for support materials and dialogue


  • Supporting Climate & Company’s Diversity goals by empowering the men in the company to be male allies who are equipped with diversity leadership skills and clarity on their values, their career goals and their leadership identity

Why this programme is special.

  • You will gain clarity on the values, goals and leadership identity that drive your career choices as a man in an increasingly diverse leadership team.

  • You will grow your confidence by strengthening your Emotional Intelligence. You will learn how to use Mindful Self-Compassion for your personal goals and your self-worth in the workplace. And yes, let’s also talk about vulnerability and emotions: balancing the rational mind and the “gut” feeling to take better decisions and to get a better sense for other peope’s needs and emotions.

  • You will grow your awareness of your unique role as driver of change towards a more inclusive and diverse economy: the “S” in ESG will only be possible with your powerful impact as inclusive male leader.

    You will receive the vocabulary, the toolkit and the inner confidence to become a male ally who stand up for his colleagues and who is able to create psychological safety in an inclusive work space for everyone

Our full schedule

Mini Kick-Off Session

Date: Thursday 6 June 2024, 17.30-18.00 (30 minutes), after Climate & Connect

  • Introduction to Male Allyship during Climate & Connect by Helene Banner

  • Goals for the programme & your individual goals

  • Agreement on the timing of our meetings

Format: online via Zoom

SESSION 1: Painting a Vision for your Leadership Identity and Career

Date: Wednesday 12 June 2024, 16.30-18.00

Format: online via Zoom, recording will be made available

  • Checking in on personal goals & awareness of inclusive leadership to tailor the programme to your individual needs

  • Working on your Leadership Identity in an increasingly diverse leadership environment

  • Re-thinking your career goals by following your „why“ as a leader (instead of other people’s expectations)

    SESSION 2: Confident and mindful leadership: Strengthening your Emotional Intelligence

    Date: Wednesday 19 June 2024, 16.30-18.00

    Format: online via Zoom, recording will be made available

  • Introduction to Mindful Self-Compassion: how to use it for your personal goals and your confidence in the workplace

  • Let’s talk about vulnerability and emotions: balancing the rational mind and the “gut” feeling

    SESSION 3: Becoming a gender-sensitive leader and Male Ally who stands up for others

    Date: Wednesday 3 July 2024, 16.30-18.00

    Format: online via Zoom, recording will be made available

  • Introduction to inclusive leadership for men: from unconscious privilege to conscious allyship with women

  • Practical tips to be a male ally

  • Ask a woman: space to ask any questions and discuss concerns about diversity, inclusion and feminism

EXTRA SESSION: Deep dive on one of the topics of the programme

Date: Wednesday 17 July 2024, 16.30-18.00

Format: online via Zoom, for 6 participants, recording will be made available

  • Group coaching for participants to put the programme content into action

Celebration & Closing Summer Session
“Being part of the solution as a Male Ally“:
Re-visiting your vision as a leader & recognising the small shifts that happened in the programme

Date: Wednesday 24 July 2024, 16.30-18.00

Check-In Session

Reflections on evolutions and next steps

Proposed timing: early September 2024 OR at Climate & Company Retreat

Quick overview

Save the dates in your calendar

All sessions will be recorded and shared in our dedicated Teams Channel.

  • Thursday 6 June 17.30-18.00: Mini-Kick-Off Session

  • Wednesday 12 June 16.30-18.00: Session I

  • Wednesday 19 June 16.30-18.00: Session II

    - Break to integrate -

  • Wednesday 3 July 16.30-18.00 Session III

    - Break to integrate -

  • Wednesday 17 July 16.30-18.00 Session IV

  • Wednesday 24 July 16.30-18.00 Celebration Session

  • After Summer Break: Check-In Session

Your host


Helene Banner brings with her the experience of advising women and men in power positions, of mentoring women in career transitions and supporting them in high-level work environments.

She created her women mentoring and leadership consulting business after her 10-year experience of being a young woman in senior communication advisor positions herself: at 29 years she was the spokesperson of a European Commissioner in Brussels and later the speechwriter of Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission. In July 2019 she advised and accompanied now-President Ursula von der Leyen in the weeks when she became the first woman in this office.

In these positions, she observed how power is distributed in organisations, how empowered an organisation becomes when the „image of power“ changes at its leadership level and how both men and women can be leading this change.

More detailed bio