Women Leadership Career Mentoring 2022

February - December 2022

Make your “inner fire” the driver of your career.


For all women who want to design their careers according to their personal strengths. Their “why”. Their inner fire. Their passion. Not other people’s expectations. Not “lucky chances”. Not outdated criteria of success.

For all women who look for direction and purpose in their careers. Who want to choose the right next steps in a phase of transition. Who want to put all their talents and experience into a plan. Who want to make a difference in their field of expertise, for work places and for society.


What the Mentoring is about

  • Your career mission: You define your “why” - what really drives you and what supports you in becoming your best self in your “zone of genius”.

  • Your career plan: You will make that “You 2.0” the north star of your career: that vision becomes your destination. From now on, you work towards it.

  • Your authentic personality: You find out what you need to use your full personal potential at work. And you train how to bring your uniqueness into your leadership style.

  • Goal-setting: You set visionary milestones for the next 5, 10 and 20 years of your career - and you get into a routine to achieve your goals.

  • Networking and career strategy: You receive perspectives and tools to design your career with the help of supporters who love your bold vision.

  • Setting boundaries: You learn how to focus on your goal and how to say “no” when seemingly “great” opportunities come your way that do not serve you.

The Leadership Career Mentoring is for women…

…who want to build a career around their strongest talents;
…who are in a transition phase and who look for guidance in their next career decisions;
…who want to build their confidence as they are growing towards more senior job positions.

Your results



Shell by shell, you become more confident about showing your “true colours” at work, not only privately. With a bold career plan in mind, it becomes easier to take good decisions, to say “no” and to claim your legitimate space at work as a powerful woman - in your unique way, with your unique strengths and experience.


Because you follow your “inner purpose”, you will feel more satisfied in what you’re doing - or you will change it. Starting in your current position, you will become a leader who shines from within and who inspires others. Your colleagues can already brace themselves for you & your contagious drive.

Authentic leadership.

Once you shape your work around your personality, and not the other way around, you can also start shaping what is “normal” in work places. You are set to become an authentic leader who is strong because she shows empathy, her emotional intelligence and her vulnerability - rather than “fitting into” old-school ideas of power. With you on board, your future bosses will gain more diversity, new ideas and new perspectives for your sector.


Many people do everything for the “perfect career” and the “perfect CV”. Their career looks linear, they seem super successful, externally.

But deep inside, they don’t know why they are doing it. They are empty. They are exhausted. They only copied what was “expected”. Don’t let that happen to you.

Start shaping your work place with your unique strengths. Start following your “inner success” compass - and your external success will become inevitable.


How we will work together

  • 120-minute group workshop “Fall in love with the leader you want to become”: Early February 2022, date tba, via Zoom. Setting the career vision and drafting a plan for 2022.

  • 9 individual 1-1 Mentoring Sessions à 90 minutes via Zoom over 9 months to check-in on your milestones and to grow your confidence along the path.

  • Celebration Session à 90 minutes in December 2022 to look back a your achievements.

  • A Workbook to support your vision, your growth process and planning.

Why a whole year?

It is very powerful to set a vision for a whole year - and to work towards it thanks to fixed milestones, check-ins and accountability.

In this Mentoring Programme, you are doing the growth work yourself, but you get a structure, support and inspiration to think even “bigger” at each monthly Mentoring Sessions. These calls are also the moment to realise that you may got stuck or would want to adapt your path.

My experience in long-term women group coachings shows that true change in leadership mindset starts after 3 months of starting a new routine. Over 12 months, you also get the chance to implement these changes by taking your career in “your” direction - all whilst still being in the safe space of the Mentoring programme.

Your mentor

I am Helene Banner, a confidence mentor, workshop host and speaker about authentic leadership and women power. Two years ago, I said “no” to my secure career at the European Commission in Brussels and Berlin in order to say “yes” to myself. As a political communication strategist, I was advising the President of the European Commission as a speechwriter at the time and could have stayed until my retirement. Despite the success, I felt there was still a bigger potential in me: I left and founded my own business in order to support more women to feel confident in following their own path and in changing work places with their authentic voice, their diverse ideas and perspectives in the process.

Helene Banner

Mentor, speaker and workshop host. Formerly speechwriter and spokesperson at the European Commission.


LinkedIn: @helene.banner

Booking & Contact details

Tuition: 1750 € + 19% VAT

Helene Banner
Women Mentoring & Consulting
Email: hello@helenebanner.com
Mobile: +49 174 65 86 915
Martinstr. 11, 19053 Schwerin, Germany
VAT ID: DE331098115
Steuernummer: 09020300555